Friday 25 July 2014

Kaala Akshar Bhains Baraabar??

I was 8 when I was formally introduced to books by my father. Till then, my reading usually consisted of Diamond Comics, Champak etc. I admit, A few months back, I found a very old, very forgotten stack of Champak in my store room and I quite romanticized the idea of reading the old childhood stories…until I opened it. Then it dawned on my that while these stories, simplistically written, were geared for the precisely nubile minds of toddlers and pre-teens. So naturally, the plot lines were extremely simple, the narrative was straight forward, and the language was homey and friendly. Kind of reads like our beloved aunty is telling us something of interest. 

Come to the risk-fraught age of Teens. I was in my 9th standard (fourteen years old) when I laid hands on One Night at the Call Center. Finished it in one night. Chetan Bhagat’s story about these characters who “work”, “get stressed”, “need a drink to wind down” etc made me feel like I have finally graduated to the level where I can read and understand what the elder people do, the bhaiyas and the didis  go through. 
Since then, till the age of nineteen, I read all his successive and preceding work, coupled with Mr.Durjoy Dutta joining in the gallery of the authors I have read. I must say, after ONATCC, Chetan lost his edge. Infact, comparing Five Point Someone and One night…, I noticed that Mr.Bhagat has more and more relied on the scale of how pathetic his characters actually are in order to make it seem like even trivial acts of kindness or benefits are a huge deal for these characters. 

On the other hand, Mr.Durjoy Dutta (with his absolutely rubbish and lamely humorous titles such as “Of course I love you..till I find someone Better”) seem to be unabashedly proud and gloating in the loser status of his principal characters.  Here we have an author whose character’s are idiotically self-ridiculing, almost completely ignorant of a concept called self-respect, socially precocious to the limit of being comparable to the Victorian-age ladies who believed that showing stockings were scandalous but fornicating with servants in their bedrooms was common social trend among the effluent. In Mr.Dutta’s best selling trilogy, and successive novels, he has been lauded as a “Youth writer”, “cute”, “one who understands how love is”. Oh absolutely, Love is a lot of things I suppose. (I wouldn’t actually know. Its pretty exhaustive to contemplate about love, don’t you think?)

But what is the sense of glorifying a writer whose characters are no better than junkies, brats, sluts or idiots who simply cannot keep their dicks in their pants?? Where is the sense in idolizing such a social generation where relationships are merely subtler game of manipulations and hybridization of expectations in order to find the suitable combination without much of the fuss.?

I for one, have been completely pissed off with the kind of adoration Mr.Bhagat andMr.Dutta now seem to enjoy. And Thank god for Mr.Tarun Tejpal and his deliciously subtle yet so much more intensely sensible works. God knows what would I do without him. 
Meanwhile, I do seem to be getting the notion that as long as it is spicy or scandalous or something mildly taboo, we are okay with reading it. Just don’t ask us to read something that creates a question or poses a serious query. Kaala akshar bhains baraabar, after all! 

P.S. As for you Mr.Shashi Tharoor and your Great Indian Novel, well, lets just say I cannot talk about it without being absolutely gutter-ish so we’ll avoid that.  

Saturday 22 February 2014

Happy March, See you in April

I haven't blogged from last two days, and it has been the weirdest thing - the first time in years that I took a little time off of blogging for reasons other than vacation or exam issue. I took few days off of blogging simply because I have nothing to say, and because my heart just isn't in it right now. The funny thing is, though, I am happier than I've been in longer than I can remember. I wake up every morning in love with my home and my family, and excited to get to cope up with my engineering subjects in my own way, I'm so passionate about. A million thoughts are swimming around in my head 24/7, and none of them have to do with blogging, or even leave any room for thoughts about blogging. I truly am a one-thing-at-a-time kind of boy.

I don't have the urge to share every aspect of every moment of my life anymore (slight exaggeration), and I'm OK with that.

Bottom line, I think I've grown out of what my blog was before. I think it served its purpose for a time, and I have no regrets. But now I need to really figure out what I want to do with my engineering career.

One thing I know for sure is that most readers can just tell when your heart isn't in it. I believe that everything you do in life will be received one thousand times better if you do it from a place of true joy and passion for that work. And I just haven't had that for blogging since somewhere in the fall, and I think I need to take a step back and re-evaluate. I don't think I'll ever decide to shut this blog down. I really, truly do enjoy blogging. Or at least I did, and I think I can get that back. I just need a break.

So I'm taking March off. March, because it's a month of colors, and because it's a cold-hot same time both month, and because it's the month of Exams, and because there's a lot of Siyappa’s going on regarding my reputation and guys who don’t have their own stand anywhere were dare enough to point me out with the help of their sole weapon (mark sheet), so I’d like to fully devote myself to in the next few months towards my sem. So that I could whack their asses hard.

I'll be back in April (hopefully). April begins my favorite time of year (becoz it’s my darling’s b’day), and it just seems like the perfect time to start fresh here. I'm going to really try to devote myself to getting caught up in March - caught up in putting the mouth of those assholes shut, caught up to renovate myself and challenge them in their own field, caught up on that brand maintenance of my repo, and hopefully all of that catching up will leave me invigorated and creative again when it comes to this online space that really is so dear to me.

I'll see you all back here in APRIL. Happy March and happy month of colors... :)


Thursday 20 February 2014

To the absent presence of my muse in words...

I remember my college magazine. One of the teachers had written, 'Win each argument of life and outshine all in the many more debates to come.' It was embossed with a smiley. 

It left me wondering even then. Is life all about a debate? Are all arguments to be won? Should one always win? And is it worth the wait? The debates? Should they be debates all the time? Not that I has an answer today. Still. But it gives one a kick to think about abstractions once in a while.

Those who know me personally they knew that I had stopped writing for quite some time. Some undefined definitions hazily hovered around in my Gmail drafts, blog draft folders, tit bits in my room - some on kitchen post-its, some scribbled on random places like newspapers, note book sheets, ruined sheets to be thrown away. I encountered one today. In fact, right now. And I am suddenly struck by the idea; words are permanent but do what they express are? And if they are not, one needs to answer some very difficult and uncomfortable questions.

I have often been intrigued by the world of words. Though they seldom express the intent, they pretty much accomplish the task of the intended, if wrapped strategically. I mean ultimately, if one was to give a professional edge to the whole thing, words and expressions are always considered a model of business communication, aren't they?

What is the real idea of utterance? Is it to express or is it to hide? I am forever confused on this. If it is to express, are expressions to be taken as a permanent seal? Or are they consumed by the same degree of fluidity that time is? If it is the latter, should one ever trust what is said? And if not, what is the state of literature amidst all this? Should, as Plato says, poets be banished for they spread lies?

 I pretty much fathom that am on a free spree of random musings in my blog. Writers' block they call for accomplished connoisseur of words. But i ain't no writer and hence can't tag myself with that high sophistry. But perhaps, i realized that it is not a good block to be in. One needs to shift apartments, sometime soon enough.

Literature is a perfect place for intellectual bash. I mean one can drink words like a fish, date the fanciest of characters, fantasize about all the alternate realities and build a different world for oneself out there. But then all that is a lie, isn't it? Based on some writer's mental ecology, one shapes up one's own imagination and occupies a tenancy of borrowed mindscape for quite some time, till that space is broken down and an abyss emerges craving more of such an existence - very much like Plato's idea's of poetry. 
The point is, should one value lies in life just as one hails truth? Is it some kind of a mental and psychological hangover and paralysis like the constructs of various'-isms' still that we wish to put truth above lies all the time? That is again a hierarchy generated by the scores of centuries past in time? Should we continue to be a slave to that code too? And what is truth after all? Yours or mine? 

 I have often encountered questions of morality and moral behavior. Just as much i hate this duplicitous discussion itself, the same keeps coming back to me in myriad shades of grey. I wonder if issues of morality themselves are immoral? I mean they always engage you with an agenda of a particular assertion. Is it not immoral to be falsely implicate a flawed premise of honesty to get one’s idea addressed? 

  Words do exactly that. Literature does exactly that. It plays on the psychic machinations of mind and accomplishes what it wants to accomplish. TOI will report the same news as The Hindu and Indian Express. But the imports in all the three are classically different. Who are we then? Mere stone faced consumers of what is being fed? Should we burn down all that's there? Because nothing, absolutely nothing seems genuine.

No. I advocate no hope of reconstruction. There is nothing called hope. And nothing that can be re-constructed. Hope is delusional. And either what is not, be created or what is, be destroyed. One has the choice of just working on the constructed to make it sublime and beautiful.

This brings me back to the well wished words etched on my college magazine. Debates happen all the time around us, inside us. Is it always necessary to take sides and see things as either/or? Doesn't the grey area of subliminality exist anymore? Is it always about either you are with me or against me? If it is, life indeed is a fierce debate. But for hungry souls who wish to devour each fine nuance of what is, debates become too narrow a way of life. Sometimes, it is not always the hormonal rush of victory but the sweet pain of loss which fuels further hope. And yes, to answer my own question, then it is worth the wait. The many more debates I mean.
Life always comes as an installment. And to pay each in and within time and move on is the best way to save oneself from heavy future debts.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Boyfriend Girlfriend aur WOH!!!

Over the past two years, I have seen my group of single friends dwindling at a fast pace. It appeared to me that a higher number of the human population started to believe that the world was coming to an end in 2012 and all beautiful & sexy girls in their twenties had to be in some relationships away so that they could at least die honorably. Well, if the 2012 myth was really true, what is the whole point in getting in relationship now anyways?

When asked me to define ‘boyfriends’, I have always said, “Those mean guys who steal from you, your favorite crushes.”

Think of a few girls with whom I grew up since I was six years old, girls whom I saw naked during group-baths, girls from whose plate I flicked tasty paneer and dumped gross upma into, girls whose pencils and erasers I borrowed, lost and never returned, girls whose Chyawanprash I stole, girls with whom I learnt addition in Math, traffic rules in Social Studies and the difference between living and non-living things in Science and girls whom I actually saw with no make-up and eyebrows like Koor Singh from Chandrakantha. Moreover those girls whose frightened faces I remember on the first day of my college, girls who ran to me to discuss their first crush, girls with whom I shared all my  xerox notes, and girls who lovingly lent me their Nokia phone to play the brick game and secretly text their crush.  Mix them together. Top this off with those girls who were there with me through more mature and major phases in my life, say during my depression periods, through my virtual heart-breaks and hangovers, girls who helped me do silly yet meaningful things such as aimless conversations into the night, unnecessary shopping and gave me the right kind of advice when I was totally confused.

Relationships change them, each one of these girls. You are then conveniently shoved into the back of their heads. And if you are lucky enough, they probably will think of you once in a year, when it’s your birthday. I have tried to understand and reason with them but I just don’t get it. Why does the whole wide world revolve around their boyfriends?

Although this is directed to every so called committed girl in general and no one in particular, I am just in the mood to do some random rambling.

  • ·         You cannot call her between 10am-6pm. That’s because her boyfriend’s with her. Oh, you also cannot call her over the weekend that is total privacy encroachment.

  • Don’t ever plan a trip with her. No, not even if you ask her 6 months ahead. She already has the next decade planned out.

  • Stop looking for her single pictures on Facebook. You are never going to find any.

  • Yeah! Deal with all the lovey-dovey updates, her boyfriend is the best guy on earth, and NO, you cannot actually flirt with her.

  • Face it! You cannot have a conversation or anything without the boyfriend being mentioned.

  • Don’t bother buying her any gifts. Your little piece of love, care will seem like David in front of Goliath. The mean guy, her boyfriend, would have already purchased the city for her.

  • In her world, you are like Pratibha Patil, spending 204 crores and valuable time globetrotting, while she is like Barack Obama, focused  and already geared up for his presidential campaign.

  • You no longer get to hear any juicy details. “Yes, we did it, no big deal”

  • You have to get used to their new found interest in love stories, may be now she seems like a die-hard fan of ADITYA ROY KAPOOR.

  • “BFFs? Are you kidding me? We are no more in college. Yeah! Grow up.”

  • Learn the language of a 2 year old. She will make you talk to them quite often.

  • If she posted tons of messages on your Facebook wall earlier, drop your hopes now. She will seem super busy with her life and absolutely dead on networking sites, but hey, she has the time to ‘like’ all the posts by her BOYFRIEND. She will console you by asking you to go and look at her old messages. “Facebook has Timeline now, what for?”

  • ! She had a favorite hero? Her BOYFRIEND is her life-time hero now.

  • She will tell you that she was engaged in Relationship in November, sometime in May. It really doesn’t matter to her that you weren’t informed. Look out for the excuses! Horoscopes, elders-ka-mamla, me confused and a butt load of crap. (This is specifically targeted to the crazy girl who actually did this to me. Yes, she has subscribed to this blog but will be too lazy to read the whole thing anyways)

And, last but not the least, the couple knows you are the “woh” in their relationship and with pitiful eyes; they pray that you realize this fact sooner than later.

Monday 17 February 2014

Being nice, but....

Last night, a girl complement me that “Sushant you are such a nice guy” and whole night me just wondering that how come she portrait me as a nice guy... I mean nice people do things that I don't usually do.

 They smile to people when they meet them.  I have been trying to smile more.  However, smiling to people I don't know doesn't come naturally to me.  I'm an introvert, so I avoid interaction with people when I don't have to have it.  Once I know you, I'll smile when I see you, but I have to get to know you first.

 Nice people ask other people how they are doing.  I usually don't do that unless I know you and I really care how you are doing.  I think the phrase is trite and most times I really don't want to know about someone's troubles or joys.  Of course, if I care about you, that's a different story.  Then I really do care how you are doing and I will listen.

Those nice people hand out compliments quite freely.  This is a wonderful trait to have.  It's tough for me to compliment people, unless I really mean it.  I may have difficulty with this trait because I didn't receive many compliments when I was growing up.  I was criticized much more than I was complimented.  For me, if I can keep from criticizing someone and say nothing at all, I'm improving my typical situation 100%.  Btw, I have a hard time accepting compliments, as well.  All in all, I think this is an exceptional trait to have.  I'm working on handing out more compliments.  People love them.

 Nice people are good listeners.  I've got to say, I'm good at this.  Unfortunately I'm super good at this.  I listen so well to people that I remember what they say.  I've discovered most people don't mean most of what they say.  When I remember what people say and then they say or do something in complete contrast to what I heard them say when I was listening to them.  I lose trust in people when this happens.  Trust, in my world, is a critical attribute.  Once it is lost, it's hard to restore it.

When you are a nice person you are confident, but humble.  People like to be around confident people.  It makes them feel secure.  I'm pretty confident.  When I'm not confident about something, I'll tell you.  Then you will know I'm going to need some assistance.  People don't like to be around egotistic people.  They are annoying.  I struggle with my confidence in my point of view, not sounding egotistical.  When or if anyone would or could think of me as egotistical, it makes me laugh.  My sole desire in life would be to be invisible.  I never want people looking at me.

Nice people don't talk about people behind their backs.  Nice people aren't gossipers.  Oh My Goodness, it's going to be hard for me to be a nice person.  I mostly don't talk about people behind their backs, but I'm happy to listen to what others have to say.  Unfortunately, I'm the kind of person that will tell you to your face the thing most people are saying behind your back.  This little trait of mine may keep me out of the nice people club forever.  I don't think it should, but I think it may.  I've always been of the mind to say what I mean, when I'm talking to someone, but don't say it mean.  But, some people don't like to hear the truth

Nice people treat other people the way they would like people to treat them.  If you want people to treat you with respect, be respectful.  If you want people to be kind to you, be kind to them.  I think this is a trait I have.  If this is the main trait of being a nice person, then I could consider myself a nice person.  I believe in treating people the way you would like to be treated.

Anyways thank you all nice people out there in the world, people who remind me to smile; thank you for being so nice especially with me kind of Guy…

And Yeah!!!! Girls, wise up and DON’T complement me…I don’t deserve all these compliments, all what I deserve is criticism. So Next time before complimenting me, thinks about it once again…hahahaha

Thursday 13 February 2014

Only for you...

Dear RANI ,
In this day of hearts, let's celebrate our love together. I have only the best prepared for you -Movie in Director's cut, roses, chocolates, beautiful canopies, flowing water, dim lighting, music, delicious food in Se-villa and a gorgeous sunset waiting for us at the garden of five senses. If you can hear the beat of my heart now- its singing our love songs and feel those unforgettable moments which we spent together . 

To be loved by you is to live a dream. No matter where life takes me as long as you're there. You are the light of my life, you are my one and only true love. Once again, Happy Valentine's day and I love you!


YO! YO! Honey Singh.......

This is for you RIYA,

So that next time if someone argue with you, w.r.t. HONEY SINGH show them this video..apart from that the fact is that no one can just blame this man, somewhere he is absolutely correct but that doesn't mean he is not wrong by the way he has neither written nor sung balatkari or chooth. "yeh sabh afvaain hain" .I think as a music composer he is the best and most educated one as guys he is from trinity London  Even none of the our composers went their.i think he is a youth icon of changing India but some people are stopping his Nobel mission.

Guys change is d law of nature.....

accept it.