Monday 27 January 2014

Definitely Maybe*

"I'll give you a definite maybe." - Samuel Goldwyn

As an adverb, it means perhaps or possibly. As a noun, it means a possibility or a probability. And when it comes to dating, is usually means “no, but I may change my mind.”

Enter “Maybe.” Such a simple, two syllable word yet so complex in meaning. Or do we just make it so?

There is no denying that communication between the genders is truly a cross-cultural phenomenon. What boy say and what girl hear can be diametric opposites. Thus while "maybe" can mean one thing to a boy, it can mean an entirely different thing to a girl.

For instance, a “maybe” can be a flirtatious reply to your favorite guy when you’re playing hard to get. Sometimes "maybe" means you just want more effort put into the chase.

Other times "maybe" can mean "we'll see," serving as a hedge for buying time in order to think about an offer before making a decision. 

Then there’s the "maybe" you'd receive when you were a kid, and you asked your parents for something? Which usually meant “probably not,” with a best case scenario of “perhaps.”

Some "maybes" can serve as a polite way of avoiding hurting someone's feelings, knowing you have no intention of going out with him or her.

However, one thing is for certain; its meanings are never-ending and always evolving.

Maybe means yes. Maybe means no. Maybe means possibly. Maybe always means no and yes usually means maybe. Maybe means neither of the above. Maybe covers for the word no. And maybe allows us to be indecisive, often serving as an easy exit for those uncomfortable situations.

And then there is that other "maybe." The “maybe” of all "maybes." The one to which women cling when they are desperately trying to justify His actions or lack there of.  The same “maybe” we have all used time and time again.

And not only do we use it ourselves, we meet in groups and offer an infinity of why "maybe" He has not called, texted, emailed, Facebook-ed, or shown up.

There is no denying that "maybe" has definitely become a part of the dating vernacular. Because how better to console a friend whose heart has been broken than by offering her an endless list of "maybes" for why He didn't, isn't or couldn't.

But what's even worse is when your girlfriend is the one who justifies His behavior with an endless stream of "maybes.”

And that’s because a “maybe,” can largely depend on tone, leaving  it wide open to interpretation. In the end it all depends on who is doing the interpreting.

In my case Rab rakha to me from these MAYBE's....... :)

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