Saturday 14 September 2013

Be inspired !!!

“Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.”

One of the hardest challenges I face every day is how to create motivation. How to motivate myself to keep going, even when things get hard. How to motivate my friends and lead them with enthusiasm. How to motivate my project-mates to work with me. And the list goes on.
No matter who you are, everyone is trying to motivate someone. Parents try to motivate their children to study. Bosses try to motivate their employees to work faster. People try to motivate themselves to lose weight & some to gain weight (like me :( )
Unfortunately, motivation sucks. It’s an external force that requires either a threat or a reward. But once that carrot or stick is removed, everything falls apart( sahi kaha na shubham sir). Or it may work for a while, but soon you’ll need an even bigger carrot or stick to keep it going. It’s a downward spiral, like a car spinning its wheels in the mud, only to become even more stuck.
You know what the secret is that it is not an external force, but an internal superpower which is known as inspiration.
"Now 90% of readers think that ki saali problem to yehi hai ki how to create inspiration "
I"ll tell you that how to create INSPIRATION in yourself :

1. Find a mission.
Inspiration is the fire that wells within. When you’re inspired, you’re filled with life. You don’t need an alarm clock to wake up; you wake up before the alarm ready to dive into a new day. When you’re inspired, you don’t need to be told what to do at work; you’re already thinking of ways to make your work even better.
How do you create inspiration within yourself? It comes from doing something that matters, and knowing that you’re a part of something bigger than yourself.
Your mission is to create positive human connection.

2. Fuel your inspiration.

Inspiration is contagious. When you hang out with inspiring people, you become inspired. And unlike motivation, which requires increasingly bigger rewards, inspiration is a self-propelling force that grows bigger and bigger.
I also fuel my inspiration by reading books by inspiring people. Here are a few notable authors with insights on inspiration:

3. Breathe.

Sure, I still have tough days when I feel discouraged. But at those times I simply pause. take a cup of coffee and few breaths (the word “inspire” comes from the Latin word meaning “to breathe”).
Breathing gives me space to reflect and remember. Every friend of mine who leaves with a smile on their face, shares their excitement about the connections they created, and every meeting I have with inspiring people buoys me up.
Find a mission and share it. Breathe it in, and breathe it out until it infuses every cell of your body. Soon you’ll be filled with life, passion, and joy that no carrot-or-stick motivation could compete with.

Let me share something more with you.. If you have time scroll your mouse downward otherwise move on :
In my last two years, I felt exhausted more often than not, and I was scrambling to find scraps of happiness in my previously joy-filled life.
When I took the time to listen, my inner monologue sounded something like this:
“You know you’re not doing what you love. Your life lacks a deeper meaning, and you have no idea what you’re really passionate about. What in the world are you doing with your life?”
I wanted to do more, but I had no idea which path I wanted to take. I felt confused, stuck, and worst of all, embarrassed by my lack of direction. I was treading water as I waited for a sign as to what my next step should be.
As the months continued to pass, I became more aware of how I was wasting time. I saw my life passing me by, leaving me only with regrets and "what if"s"
Finally, I was brutally honest with myself about my unhappiness and I embarked on some serious soul-searching. I asked myself tough questions and learned what it felt like to be authentically me. I discovered that my unhappiness was rooted in my lack of passion and I slowly began taking control.

Four months later, I launched new soul within me, I quit my college till some extent, reclaimed my life, and I have never been happier.
But that doesn’t mean everything fell into place perfectly.
Following my passion was emotionally challenging and a leap of faith, but I never worried about making the “wrong” choice because I knew I didn’t want to be unhappy any longer, and that was more important to me than anything.
It is terrifying when you feel like your life has no purpose or directions, but finding your passion can change all that. Finding your passion is like finding your personal road map. When you know what your passion is, you feel motivated, inspired, and so much clearer about what your next step should be.

So, please don't worry just live your life don't think about others, after all its your life you are CEO of Me Inc 
But still if you find yourself alone, frustrated and want to live a life you love then :

1. Slow down.

When we slow down, we are able to tap into the best version of ourselves, which is most often when we find the answers we’ve been searching for. This might mean practicing yoga, going for daily walks, or setting aside time each day to meditate. Slowing down allows you to quiet the outside voices and listen to yourself.

2. Change your story.

We all tell ourselves stories about who we are, what we’re capable of, and what we deserve. If we can identify our self-limiting stories (I’m not good enough; I don’t deserve to be happy, etc.), then we can begin writing new stories that are grounded in confidence and courage, and map out actions that move us from one to the other.

3. Own your uniqueness.

We are here for a reason. No one else has your unique blend of talents, wisdom, strengths, skills, and creativity. We all have something great to offer, and learning to accept and own what makes you unique is crucial to sharing your gifts with the world.

4. Cultivate confidence.

If we are continually telling ourselves we can’t, then we will never believe we can. There is a chance you may fail, but it will be impossible to succeed if you don’t believe in yourself. You can create affirmations, focus on the things you want, or make a vision board that shows your future success

5. Write.

Ideas flow more freely when we write without an agenda. New inspiration may appear unexpectedly and it becomes easier to connect the dots. Spend a few minutes of quality time each day with a pen and paper allowing yourself to process your thoughts without influence from the outside world.

6. Focus on the fun.

Too often we get wrapped up in the expectations we set for ourselves. We focus on the details and the to-do lists instead of what is most important. What do you love to do? What makes you smile? If money were limitless, what would you be doing today?

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bye :) Have a nice day.

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